Sunday, November 28, 2010

Quick Update # 1

So I updated my DA journal again. Here is the link if you want to read it:

Basically, I have good news. I’m going to have my writing published. And I’m very excited and happy about that. I’ve been trying for years, and it’s finally paid off.

I had a nice chat with one of my artist friends today… I really am looking for someone who could draw some covers for my novels, when they’re ready for publication. I’m doing the covers for my poetry books myself. XD I thought they’d look pretty amateur, but so far they don’t look TOO bad… I wish I could show people previews on here, but I really am too shy to show anyone yet.

And not much else is going on with me at the moment…

I am working on an update for one of my fanfics. I don’t want to abandon them just because of the publishing thing. They take up only a small amount of my free time anyway, so it shouldn’t push me too much. I plan to continue writing them.

I am drawing something that I owe to one of my friends. I really don’t want to mess this drawing up. XD A few years ago if someone told me I’d be drawing stuff, especially digital at on the computer, I would have laughed so hard at them. Lol. I’m more of a writer than an artist, but I really don’t want to give up on drawing either. It’s so relaxing.

The one bad thing is that my wrist is bothering me today. T_T It sucks.

Well that’s it for this stupid blog update. LOL

Saturday, November 27, 2010


I have news! If you noticed me being a lot less active everywhere lately, this is why… I’m going to have my writing published very soon. I’ve been trying to accomplish this since I was 16, and it’s finally happening. I’m so happy.  My original stories and also my poems will be published. I just want to thank everyone for your really awesome support over the years. Even when I didn’t believe in myself, you still believed in me. Thank you for that.

As for my poetry… I know a lot of you like to read it here. Because they still belong to me, I have decided to leave them posted on DeviantArt as they are. At least for now…

In the future, however… I will not be posting very much poetry here. If you’d like to read my newest work, I will occasionally post samples. I decided to go with an Ebook publisher because I will get more royalties, and also the cost for them is much lower for the readers. And I already have a lot of people who follow my stuff online, so I thought it was a good fit. I might also be publishing some print versions later, though. I will post a new journal once they’re published, with links to my books. I don’t know what the sale price will be yet, but obviously my older stuff will be much cheaper. I’m still in the process of picking which ones I want for the books.

Also, my original stories will be published too. I write M/M erotica, (aka: Yaoi) and I’m not going to change that. I enjoy it.  And apparently there IS a market for the type of content I write. So… All I have to do now is finish the one I’m currently working on.  From there, I move on to the next. And no one will delete them or censor them. That makes me… so insanely happy, you have no idea.

It will take a while because I still have to compile everything together and get some book-covers ready and everything… I’m most likely going to make my own book covers for the poetry. That will be much simpler than letting them choose someone for me. I do have that option, but this way I will have more control over how it looks in the end.

Since I’m on an art site… I know a lot of people who make amazing artwork and I’d really like to be able to choose my own cover artist, instead of letting the company do that for me. So… Some time within the next year, and then later, I will be looking for a cover artist for my original stories. I also might need a few beta readers. I'll post more information about that later. For now, if you think you might be interested in either of those, please contact me about it.

Friday, November 26, 2010


I’ve written a lot of things before… But I’ve never written about the issues that I really care about. With this blog, I hope to change that. What kinds of things will I blog about?

Mostly things that are related to writing and art. Also, you’ll probably see a lot of anime-related stuff here too. Just because it interests me. XD I also take suggestions from readers. Let me know if there is something you think would be interesting… Or something you’d like me to mention in my blog. I don’t promise to write about it, but there is a good chance that I will.

Also some of the entries might get kind of personal… I’ll also use this as a sort of online journal. So be prepared for that. If you’d like to keep track of what’s going on with me, this would be a great way to do that.

And yeah… I’ll be posting more soon.

I got kind of embarrassed after my last entry so it was deleted. Sorry for those who liked it. I think I need to stop myself from rambling on about things, and just keep my blog entries kind of short. That way I can update more often. XD Well that’s all for now.

Monday, November 15, 2010


This year, I decided to do something different for a change... NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month. I knew about it last year, but I was too intimidated to participate. This year I decided to take on the challenge. I've been struggling with it a lot over the last few days, but I'm not going to give up or let that deter me. The goal is to get different writers from all over the world to write 50,000 words in just 30 days. It lasts throughout November, every year.

More information can be found here:

I love writing, and it's something that I've enjoyed from a very young age. I always found a certain amount of comfort in books when I was growing up. They were my refuge; my one escape from the world that I could always count on. And as I grew older, I realized that I had an interest in writing too.

In most books, the protagonist succeeds, justice eventually does come around to those who deserve it, people don't usually get away with the wrong things. (Though sometimes I have to adit that I end up cheering for the bad guy.) It's nothing like real life. I've always loved the sense of being able to control what happens. It really does give you a thrill like nothing else.

And then there's the fact that writing can be whatever you want it to be. You can shape your own worlds, control the environment, the people, and everything that happens. The possibilities are limitless and endless... There is nothing more beautiful than that.

I've heard people say some bad things about NaNoWriMo before and I would like to offer my perspective on the subject, stemmed from my own personal experience.

It's difficult- It really is. Writing 50,000 words in only one month sounds insane. But that's all the more reason to try! Like many writers, I enjoy a good challenge. I wasn't sure if I could do it, and to be honest, I'm still not certain. The only thing I know is that, for me, it was definitely worth trying. Whether I fail or succeed in meeting the goal is irrelevant to me at this point. The point is, it gave me what I needed: Motivation. Just that one tiny push in the right direction can give birth to a whole plethora of new ideas. It's like an adventure that you go on by yourself, and then when you're done, you will have something to show for your time, that you can share with other people.

For a long time I've been writing down ideas and then failing to have the courage to actually sit down and try to write them into stories. For me, NaNoWriMo helped me to do what I couldn't on my own: Sit down, push everything else to the side for a little while, and just write. The feeling is awesome.

And not only that, but it has allowed me to connect with a lot more people. I found a really awesome group on Twitter, with people who do a weekly WriteChat. I've only been to one so far but it was really insightful and the other writers there are very helpful for someone like me.

I have trouble deciding lots of things on my own, and unlike some people, I have no one to bounce ideas off of. I'm usually shy when talking about new ideas with online friends, real life friends, or especially my family. Sometimes it helps to actually get another writer's perspective on it.

I always thought no other writer would be that willing to help another, because logically it means more competition in the long run. But everyone has their own ideas and many of us write entirely different genres. So it really works out for everyone's best interest, and gives people a place to turn to for help. It's nice to get more than one perspective on something.

NaNoWriMo has opened my eyes to a whole new set of possibilities. This would never have happened otherwise. My novel is still in the works, but hopefully when I'm done, after taking a few more months to work on it and edit the hell out of it, it just might turn into something publishable.

I hope this was at least helpful to someone. Or something. I mainly just wanted to get this off my chest. Have a nice day.


This is my first time posting a blog here, or anywhere at all... I think I'll start with the basics. Some people on various websites already know me. But let's assume some of you don't...

I'm not going to give you basic stuff like my age, gender, height, hair and eye color, or things like that. Because to me, those are things that don't matter. They're nothing special. Each of us may be different from one another, but those are qualities that we all essentially have. No, instead I will tell you things that may actually tell you some things about me.

I am a 'creativist'. I know that's not a real word, but I've always been interested in all things creative. I don't see the world in only black and white. I used to, but that part of me is gone. There is a whole different palette of colors and shades out there, just waiting for someone to notice them all.

I love the idea of making people think. Especially when it's 'outside of the box'. I think that expression is over-used in our society, but it's the best way I can think of to explain this.

The idea of taking nothing and turning it into something beautiful has always been an inspiration for me. Life is beautiful and those who fail to see that will always live in the dark... I've lived in a dark for a long time and personally, I got tired of it. I'm not sure if I am a writer or an artist, or something else entirely, so I think the term creativist best suits me.

I don't even know what to blog about, but rest assured if you stick with me, you're in for one hell of a ride. ;D I will do my best to keep things interesting.

Some of interests are: Writing, Drawing, Artwork, Anime, Manga,
food, video games, mental illness, history, science, animals, fashion, and music.

I'm open to new ideas and things.. If there is a topic that you'd like to see me address in my blog, leave me a comment and let me know. I'm not promising to use all of the topics given, but who knows? I might pick yours. Also, feel free to email me. Don't be shy. ^_~

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